Last week the ABA adopted two statements to preserve the attorney-client privilege. First, it adopted in modified form, the recommendations of its Task Force on Attorney-Client Privilege. The ABA Task Force made recommendations that, in part, seem to echo the findings of Judge Kaplan in U. S v. Stein. (see blog entry dated July 3, 2006). The Task Force recommended that the ABA oppose any government policies that have the effect of eroding the constitutional and other legal rights of current or former employees by encouraging prosecutors to consider the following factors in assessing cooperation: 1) payment of legal fees to employees or former employees; 2) continuation of joint defense agreements between the company and an employee; 3) the sharing of records by the company with the employee; and 4) the fact that the company retained or declined to sanction an employee for invoking the Fifth Amendment in response to government requests for information.

At the same time, the ABA adopted a resolution calling on the SEC, PCAOB, and the AICPA to “take appropriate steps” to ensure that the attorney-client privilege and work product protections are preserved in the audit process.

Clearly these are good first steps by the ABA. Neither goes nearly far enough, however. The erosion of rights discussed in the ABA reports has come primarily through government pressure by DOJ and SEC prosecutors under the guise of evaluating whether an organization is cooperative and if it should be prosecuted or perhaps receive a lesser penalty. The Justice Department seems to be leading the charge in this regard as evidenced by the Thompson Memorandum and the Stein case. The SEC unfortunately is not far behind as demonstrated by the positions of the staff in the Lucent case. (See also the comments of a senior enforcement official at the time of that settlement noting that “[a]nyone who settles with us is going to agree not to be indemnified.” at n. 36).

In view of the continued actions by the government that are eroding fundamental rights in the name of effective law enforcement, the ABA positions represent a good start, yet more is necessary. What is needed here is a recognition by the government – both DOJ and the SEC – that it cannot effectively enforce the law by eroding it. In fact, eroding fundamental rights disrespects the law. Rather, both DOJ and the SEC need to reform their standards for evaluating cooperation to focus on what they need: the basic facts involved and reasonable assurances that the questionable activity has been halted and will not reoccur. If good prosecutors are satisfied on these points they should have what they need in most cases to evaluate cooperation and make whatever prosecutorial decisions are necessary without eroding fundamental rights of the company and its employees. (For further discussion, see blog entry of July 27, 2006 ).

Reaching a “quick and unanimous” decision and citing the weakness of the government’s case, a jury in the Southern District of New York delivered the government a decisive defeat on August 2, 2006, when they acquitted Robert A. Scavone, a former trader with Van Der Moolen Specialists USA LLC, of one count of securities fraud after only 45 minutes of deliberation. Mr. Scavone is one of fifteen NYSE specialists from five houses indicted for improper trading practices. Two other specialists were previously convicted on similar charges.

In a parallel case, the SEC instituted a civil enforcement action against Scavone, as well as 19 other former NYSE specialists, on April 12, 2005. The Commission’s complaint claims, in part, that the specialists fraudulently traded from their proprietary accounts by “interpositioning” and “trading ahead”, instead of pairing off available customer buy and sell orders directly with those of other customers. This allowed the specialists to make “guaranteed, riskless profits for their firm’s proprietary accounts,” to the detriment of customer orders. Mr. Scavone has not resolved this case.